Saturday, July 02, 2011

This tells you about your hair health - If you're blonde

Is it on tight that men often react a little clumsy when they first met. Researchers at the University of Paris have discovered that the intelligence of men drops a lot when a woman with blonde hair come. This is because they are unconsciously influenced by the 'dumb blonde' stereotype. But it is also just a rude man ...

If you have redhead

Are you sensitive to pain by an inherited mutation of the gene. In addition, a U.S. study found that people with red hair are more resistant to anesthesia and a dose of 20% or more for the anesthetic to work. The result?

Redheads are only half as often as other people go to the dentist. The solution is of course to your dentist to discuss how heavy you are anesthetic.

Friday, July 01, 2011

If you are brunette

You are more likely to pimples. "Brunettes are often a bit oilier than blondes or redheads, making them more likely to have acne," says Philip Kingsley trichologist.

The good news is that the somewhat slower oilier old. So drink enough water, eat healthy skin and use products made ​​for oily skin and pimples, then the thing of the past.


If you're blonde

Should you wake up earlier. Why? Goody Hair Care for research shows that blondes 72 minutes a day working on their beauty routine, while brunettes 'only' 66 minutes need to be nice to see.

The reason? It is not really about vanity, it takes a little longer because blond hair is shinier hair than brunettes.


If you have readhead

You are more likely to get Parkinson's disease. A recent study at Harvard University showed that nearly 90% more likely redheads have the disease.

How is this possible? Scientists show that it most likely is due to a hereditary DNA mutations linked with the disease.


If you are blonde, redhead

You are more likely to sunburn, which can lead to skin cancer. Dr. Douglas Brash, a professor at Yale University, said hair is the better indication of this risk than skin color.

According to his research, the kind of melanin that causes someone or blond or redhead (pheomelain) the same as the melanin that causes cells to die. Brunettes have a different type of melanin; Eumalin.


This tells you about your hair health

If you're a brunette ...

Then you have more chance of a smoker. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered that people with dark hair tend to be more dependent on nicotine than blondes.

The reason? Brunettes have higher levels of pigment, called melanin also known, which are structurally very similar to nicotine. This reduces the chance that you become addicted more.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Unhealthiest Foods: Chinese Lemon Chicken

Chinese Lemon Chicken

Chicken and lemon can not be very bad for you, right? This version does. In the list of takeaway meals with the most calories, this was a chicken dish with an overwhelming number of 1871 calories per meal. To reduce the fat again, you need to walk more than 10 hours.

Antony Worrall Thompson- Snickers Pie

Worrall Thompson's recipe for Snickers Pie was nominated by independent food watchdog The Food Commission as one of the most unhealthy dessert recipes ever. Consisting of five Snickers bars, puff pastry, mascarpone, soft cheese, sugar and eggs, a single slice has been estimated to contain 1,250 calories.
Thompson recommended the poisonous plant Henbane as a "tasty addition to salads" in the August 2008 issue of Healthy and Organic Living magazine. Apologising for the error Thompson said: "I was thinking of a wild plant with a similar name, Fat Hen, not this herb. It's a bit embarrassing, but there have been no reports of any casualties. Please do pass on my apologies." The magazine sent subscribers an urgent message stating that Henbane "is a very toxic plant and should never be eaten."[7]

Source: MSN, Wikipedia

The Texas King

The Big Texan Steak Ranch is a steakhouse restaurant in Amarillo, Texas, USA. The Big Texan is best known for its 72 ounce (4.5 pounds or 2.041 kg) steak, nicknamed "The Texas King." The steak is free to anyone who, in less than one hour, can eat the entire meal, consisting of the steak itself, plus bread roll with butter, baked potato, ranch beans, shrimp cocktail, and salad; otherwise, the meal costs $72.00. Those who have successfully consumed the Texas King meal have their names recorded and posted at the restaurant. As of March 15, 2011, over 8,800 people out of about 50,000 have accomplished this feat.

Source: MSN, Wikipedia

Hottest food ever-Turducken Fatty Food


This specialty is from the south of America to make you a duck filled with chicken, back from turkey. Each layer is separated by a piece of pork. If you have a good portion of the Turducken eating, then you have enough of 3500 calories before you reach the potatoes/next item which arrives.

Poutine Taste Fatty Food

Poutine is a French-Canadian delicacy, though, "deli" may not be the right choice of words.

Simply put, it's a plate full of fries, topped with cheese curds and dipped in gravy or sauce and some times other ingredients. It depends on how much you eat, but an average serving contains 1300 calories and 72 grams of fat. And oh yes, there's often served on a citizen.


Thursday, June 09, 2011

Botox breast lifts

Painless and effective?

Gravity is not all equally favorable. Women who want something to do their pendulous breasts were previously dependent on a heavy and costly operation. In Great Britain, now a different approach: the Botox breast lift.

This breast lift is not the botox injected into the muscles, like other botox treatments, but the skin around the breasts. According to the doctor is a painless treatment without side effects and the breasts lifted about two inches. After an average of six months, new injections.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about the new method. Botox paralyzes the muscles and thereby is unable to lift the breast to look like or greater. The treatment is only available up to 75C cup size, because larger breasts are too heavy.

As per Daily Mail: The Botox breast lift costs £700 at the Wimpole Skin Care Centre in London, 020 7935 8277.


5 Make-up tips for eyeglass wearers

Even if you wear glasses, you can very well wear eye makeup. Please take into account what glass frames your eyes fit with.

Negative or positive
Look your eyes carefully in the mirror. Put your glasses on and off again. Are your eyes getting bigger or smaller? By positive lenses your eyes appear bigger. This means that spots and wipe magnified. Keep on drawing and use cotton buds to remove. Negative lenses allow your eyes look smaller. The trick to counter that effect: choose makeup with shine and bright colors.

Glasses may be seen! If you look around you, everywhere you see large and striking frames. Did you feel that it is big?Keep your eye make-up than quiet. Use less layers of eyeliner or eye pencil. Less is more! And just like the color of your outfit matches your frame, you can also consider the color of your eyeshadow. A red eye and bright blue eyeshadow is perhaps not the best combination ...

Start with the basics: clean your face and apply a thin layer of concealer and powder. Choose three shades of eyeshadow the same color. Apply the lightest shade to your entire eyelid up to your brow. Take your eye color for the middle and dark at the outer corner of your eye. Do not use too much mascara, up to two layers, with glasses because you see lumps are much better. Do not forget your glasses just yet to set up your look and see if they were successful.

With glasses you feel more eyebrows. They emphasize not only your eyes but also your glasses. So make sure that they look pretty: plucked straight, possibly updated with brow powder or pencil. Even when choosing a frame you can remember. The edge of your frame should be in line with your eyebrows or just under it. Otherwise it looks like you have no eyebrows!

The rest of your face
Of course it is important that you look good out through your glasses. But need to think of the color of your lipstick. Not clash with your frames? When you blush, make sure that the edge of your seat does not have the rouge. This breaks the lines in your face. With glasses on the skin under your eyes appear darker. This fix you with a good concealer. Foundation hides the red spots on your nose bridge.

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Friday, June 03, 2011

Celebs use venom against wrinkles

 Anti Wrinkle paralyzes facial muscles

Trendsetters Victoria Beckham and Kate Moss used it: Rodical's Glamoxy snake serum. The cream promises "Botox in a bottle' that dramatically reduce wrinkles. The base and active ingredient? Synthetic venom.

The crippling effect of the poison of an Asian snake is the secret of the anti-wrinkle cream. In just one minute after lubricating your skin would have been a lot younger. In 28 days, your wrinkles have decreased by 50%, as the manufacturer promises. And all this because your facial muscles are temporarily "paralyzed".

The manufacturer says it has taken two years to research the perfect means that your muscles paralyzed, like Botox does. And completely safe. For those who believe: you have to go deep into their pockets for the cream. Because it costs € 145 per bottle.

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Prolonged usage of botox is counterproductive

Medium accelerates aging

Many celebs have been making timely use of Botox in hopes of minimizing any premature wrinkles. But according to the cosmetic surgeon Darren McKeown, this works just the opposite: it accelerates the aging process.

The surgeon thinks it is a myth that the development of wrinkles Botox can go. On the contrary! By early start 'anti-wrinkle agent, "even you increase the chance that you will look older later in life.

By long and excessive use of botox the muscles melting away as it were. According to the surgeon Elizabeth Taylor, it would not be so nice when they become old at a young age if they use Botox.


Next: Celebs use venom against wrinkles
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Thursday, June 02, 2011

EHEC: infection prevention Wash cucumbers and other vegetables

Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC)

When you're infected with EHEC bacteria can infect others while the bacterium is present in the stool. As far as known is that from the moment of infection until several weeks later. There are a number of measures to prevent infection with EHEC.

Infection with EHEC or STEC bacteria is usually caused by eating undercooked beef or mutton (barbecue, hamburgers), drinking raw milk or eating contaminated raw vegetables.
Also contact (manure) infected cattle - such as the children - or swimming in contaminated water, an EHEC infection can result.

Human to human infection
Human to human infection with EHEC is also possible. The bacterium is in the stool of infected people, and is transmitted through for example the toilet, flush the toilet door knob or handle. Via the hands so the bacteria in the mouth of others entering.

Because there is no vaccination against EHEC-bacteria, good hygiene is particularly important to combat its spread. Some tips from the RIVM:

Hand washing

• After using the toilet
• After changing a child
• Before preparing food
• Before eating.

Wash hands at least 15 seconds with soap and water and dry them thoroughly with a clean, dry cloth, paper towel or paper towel.

Use toilet / bathroom clean

• If possible, use seperate toilet for people who have contracted the bacteria. If this is not possible, clean the toilet after each use.
• Work to clean the toilet from clean to less clean. First clean the door handle, crane, tractor or push button. Then clean the toilet seat and toilet bowl.
• Use cleaning wipes for the toilet is not used for other cleaning operations. Use disposable wipes.
• After cleaning use dry cloth to make it dry.

Showering / dry

• Wipe from top to bottom. Make sure the towel is then used to lower the upper body not being used or use separate towels under and upper body. Washcloths for the same advice.
• Hang washcloths and towels after each use so they can dry out.
• Excuse towels and washcloths frequently, the patient daily.

Preparing food

• Wash your hands
• Use clean materials
• Wash vegetables that are eaten raw thoroughly under running water for consumption and peel it
• Keep raw foods separate from cooked food
• Wash the cutting board and knife used for cutting raw meat with hot water and dry thoroughly. Do not put food on the cutting board where raw meat is located.
• Wash hands after touching raw meat.
• heat the food thoroughly.
• Preferably use a towel, change dishcloths regularly.
• Change frequently the towel in the kitchen.

Source1 Source2 Image Source

No EHEC in Dutch vegetable

ZOETERMEER - In Dutch cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and peppers EHEC bacteria is not found. According to research commissioned by the Horticultural Marketing.

Your Health

According to a spokesperson, several samples tested by the Dutch vegetable. Then EHEC bacteria is not found. The study was conducted by a German institute.

The intestinal bacterium EHEC usually provides only for diarrhea and in some cases people even notice anything. The diarrhea is normal after four days left.

In two to seven percent of the infections patients get complications such as kidney problems. Of this group dies two to nine percent.

The EHEC infection has meanwhile claimed the lives of fifteen people. Fourteen of the sixteen victims now in Europe are women. The infection is located in Germany around 1500. In Sweden, about forty suspected infections.

Three Dutch people in Germany have recently been experiencing a severe renal failure. In two of them is found to be infected by EHEC bacteria. The third case is still under investigation.

Spanish cucumbers
The German authorities state that the outbreak probably not caused by Spanish cucumbers. "The source remains unidentified." said Cornelia Prüfer-Storck, the highest health official in Hamburg.

The authorities carried out tests on two Spanish cucumbers. Both were infected with EHEC, but not to type so people have become ill.

The search for the source of the infection will start again.
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